Welcome to Whole and Holy!
This project is the fruit of my own reading and prayer, and my desire to continue reading and praying as I enter more deeply into my vocation to marriage and motherhood. My husband and I have two young daughters and are striving for holiness amidst the daily life if our little family. I like to say that we’re accidentally crunchy but intentionally Catholic, just to give you a sense of what you’re getting into. If you’ve never heard of Elimination Communication or never prayed the Rosary, welcome aboard! I invite you to consider subscribing so you never miss a post.
As far as general housekeeping notes, I aim to post once a week, on Mondays, on topics related to prayer, marriage, parenting, and living out the demands of the Christian life (the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, the tenets of Catholic social teaching, the Beatitudes, etc.) within an ordinary family life. I also try to incorporate elements of relational psychology (think the research being done by the Gottman Institute) to encourage families to utilize the valuable tools they have to offer. My hope is to continue reading and researching within these fields and to bring my findings to you so that we can pursue wholeness and holiness together.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in any sense of the word in any of these fields. My experience includes a few college courses, a quarter of a master’s degree program, and a few years of motherhood. Unfortunately, there is no formal process for declaring an online work like this free of error (the way that a book can receive a nihil obstat and an imprimatur), so please do not take my word as law and please do bring questions or errors to my attention!