This is beautiful, and I so understand. The homesickness has set in (I knew it would). When the distance between the new and familiar seems impossibly long, just hang in there. Growing pains hurt.

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Yes! I’ve been thinking about you so much this week—our move was only about thirty or forty minutes away so we had some flexibility to make multiple trips if needed. I’m in awe at y’all moving across the country, both in terms of the homesickness and also just the logistics. Praying for you, sweet friend.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Sara Dietz

Felt all of this in my bones. We've moved three times in our almost-6-year marriage and you nail all the complex inner dialogue those moves make bubble to the surface.

"The Intimacy of Imbalance" has stayed with me for years (or since she wrote it. lol)

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Thank you for this. I'm in the middle of an international move - packing up life in one country and heading back halfway round the world to the place that is home, but leaving part of me here. The farewells break my heart every time.

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So so beautiful ❤️

Praying for peace in the transitions of old home to new.

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Isn't it strange, how places can form us so intensely? Thank you for sharing this piece.

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we are moving this month and I find this very “moving” (heh) and relatable. We are moving from a home where we were able to live with one car, walk to a historic old town, a playground, a long walking trail, and countless shopping opportunities (but interestingly enough no grocery stores). We are moving to a home with a fenced in yard, a mountain view, innumerable wildlife visitors, a 2 car garage, and no sidewalks (or anything to walk to). While the benefits largely outweigh the positives (my son cannot safely play outside alone at our current home due to constant cars speeding by) it is truly and end of an era that has us reflecting on how much we learned because of the unique situation of this home. Your piece has me reflecting on our close relationship with our neighbor too - and how hard that will be to replicate anywhere else.

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Yes, this is exactly the same situation we’re in—out in the country with a yard and cows and so much more space for the girls, but lots we’ll miss at the old place as well. Prayers for your move and your transition!!

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This brought tears to my eyes. You really put words to the feelings so well! I was flooded with memories of my own "place that loves me well." It's been 4 years since living there and I still think of my old neighbors often.

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Jul 1Liked by Sara Dietz

This is beautiful, friend. There’s something beautiful about living next to so many, and getting to love and be loved. Many years were spent this way in apartment life , and it was and sweet and so much humanity.

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Prayers for you and your family as you settle in <3

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Thanks Jessica!

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Jul 1Liked by Sara Dietz

So, about this homestead commune...

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I had to laugh about the "homeschool commune." My husband like to joke/not joke about a commune sort of thing. Who knows, maybe it'll happen someday! :)

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